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Recent Ordering Improvements for mPower Software Back Office

Recent Ordering Improvements for mPower Liquor Store Software System

With our latest release of mPower Beverage Liquor Store POS Software version we enhanced multiple features to make ordering easier for you. We first upgraded the upload speed, changed placements of keys to avoid inadvertent clicks, added new columns to your P.O., made searching for items quicker and an overall simplified view to track rows. Below are the new features explained.

New Features

1) We improved the purchase request upload speed. By doing this, we changed the way items are brought into the purchase request screen to load quicker. It first pulls in the items, then calculates the fields, which makes the process much faster. You will now see the screen below while mPower is calculating the various fields such as Sold30 and DSOH.

2) On the purchase request button placement, we moved the ‘Reject’ and ‘Approve’ buttons further away from the ‘Save’ button. This should change should avoid inadvertent clicks.
Botton Placement

3) While making changes to a purchase order, you can now use the down & up arrows on the keyboard. This will allow you to change quantities to multiple items on a P.O. more efficiently. The video below shows you how easy it is to change quantities to multiple items within the P.O. without using the mouse.


4) On New Purchases Requests, GM% and MU% are now available columns on new lists. The video below shows how to make these grids visible.


5) On Purchase Requests, mPower now contrasts every other row to make it easier to track a row.

Purchase Request Row Contrast

every other row

6) In the Item setup/ Inventory tab, you can now choose a MinCaseQty. If applied, the MinCaseQty will automatically populate with the Case Qty amount when the item is ordered.


7) On Purchase Orders, you can now search for items in the ‘Quick Add’ using alphabetical characters. The video below shows how easily this is done.


8) On Purchase Orders, the vendor printout was cleaned up by including a carriage return after VendorName and before Contact.

  • Previously:
    PO Old
  • Now:
    PO New

9) On Purchase Orders, we added Sold 60 and Sold 90 to the Sales History section.

PO Sales History


If you have any questions or need assistance, please contact us at 972-234-5884, option 1.
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