Essential Tips for Accuracy and Efficiency Performing a physical inventory count in a liquor store,…
Increase Efficiency with a Liquor Store POS System
Increase Efficiency with a Liquor Store POS System
Increasing efficiency within your liquor store can seem like a daunting task. mPower Beverage has created multiple business intelligence tools to help you make efficiency easier to reach. Below is how we can help reduce inventory time, monitor multiple locations, and manage payment types.
1. Reduce Inventory Time
Utilizing a POS system allows you to manage your inventory more efficiently. Having the right POS system allows you to efficiently order and receive product. With mPower Beverage, we offer the tools you need to minimize your time spent and maximize your profits.
My lists
By Utilizing the My List feature in mPower, you can easily create Purchase Orders with a click of a button. Add as many items, from as many vendors or locations required, and simply click Save. The list will automatically create a seperate PO for each vendor.
Need to order reports
Ordering product can be a daunting task, especially if you need to do some math to figure out what is needed. We offer need-to-order reports that include case deals, day supply on hand, and sales velocity. Simply run the report, edit quantities or items as needed, and then click on Create PO. The purchase order will automatically be created for you.
Quick receive
Our quick receive feature allows you to receive product at a fast rate. You can easily enter in the SKU number or scan the item. It will automatically be removed from the purchase order it is on so it does not get double received. This is a great tool for those last minute cases or replacement bottles that may come in.
To-do receiving
Receiving product can sometimes be a hassle. With our easy to-do list, we make receiving a breeze. SImply open up the receiving document, change quantities if needed, and receive! You can receive all items at once or even leave items to be received at a later date. However you need to receive your product, we can help.
2. Monitor locations and make better business decisions
With our business intelligence tools, you can easily manage multiple locations with a click of a button from the comfort of your own home; if you wish! You can also view your sales and item information transparently to make educated business decisions.
Transfer between stores
Do you have multiple locations or a warehouse? Are you allowed to transfer product between them according to your local and state laws? If so, we have a treat for you! mPower has a Recommended Transfer report. SImply select the stores you wish to transfer between and run the report. Edit the quantities or items and click Create Transfer. The store that is receiving the product will have a new receiving document and the store the product is leaving will have a to do shipping document.
View sales across the board
mPower offers over 80 different reports giving you complete access to your stores sales. Under your Item detail you can easily view the history of that item and the sales velocity of how it has sold over the past year. Under mPower reporter you will find your customer reports, additional item reports, sales reports, tax reports, and more. You also have the ability to analyze them in chart format or export the reports to Excel or CSV.
3. Manage Multiple Payment types
Within mPower, you can manage multiple payment types. This can be great if you do catering, deliveries, online orders, wholesale accounts, and simply just for your everyday local customers.
Within our back office application and our great integration partners, these are a few things we offer: House accounts, Emv integration and Apple pay.
With the right liquor store POS software system in place, you can run your store remotely or on premise. Most importantly, it will give you the time you need to focus on other items, such as marketing or testing out new products.